$ haml input_file.haml output_file.html / ------------------------------------------- / Indenting / ------------------------------------------- / Because of the importance indentation has on how your code is rendered, the indents should be consistent throughout the document. Any differences in indentation will throw an error. It's common-practice to use two spaces, but it's really up to you, as long as they're constant. / ------------------------------------------- / Comments / ------------------------------------------- / This is what a comment looks like in Haml. / To write a multi line comment, indent your commented code to be wrapped by the forward slash -# This is a silent comment, which means it won't be rendered into the doc at all / ------------------------------------------- / Html elements / ------------------------------------------- / To write your tags, use the percent sign followed by the name of the tag %body %header %nav / Notice no closing tags. The above code would output
/ The div tag is the default element, so it can be omitted. You can define only class/id using . or # For example %div.my_class %div#my_id / Can be written .my_class #my_id / To add content to a tag, add the text directly after the declaration %h1 Headline copy / To write multiline content, nest it instead %p This is a lot of content that we could probably split onto two separate lines. / You can escape html by using the ampersand and equals sign ( &= ). This converts html-sensitive characters (&, /, :) into their html encoded equivalents. For example %p &= "Yes & yes" / would output 'Yes & yes' / You can unescape html by using the bang and equals sign ( != ) %p != "This is how you write a paragraph tag

" / which would output 'This is how you write a paragraph tag

' / CSS classes can be added to your tags either by chaining .classnames to the tag %div.foo.bar / or as part of a Ruby hash %div{:class => 'foo bar'} / Attributes for any tag can be added in the hash %a{:href => '#', :class => 'bar', :title => 'Bar'} / For boolean attributes assign the value 'true' %input{:selected => true} / To write data-attributes, use the :data key with its value as another hash %div{:data => {:attribute => 'foo'}} / For Ruby version 1.9 or higher you can use Ruby's new hash syntax %div{ data: { attribute: 'foo' } } / Also you can use HTML-style attribute syntax. %a(href='#' title='bar') / And both syntaxes together %a(href='#'){ title: @my_class.title } / ------------------------------------------- / Inserting Ruby / ------------------------------------------- / To output a Ruby value as the contents of a tag, use an equals sign followed by the Ruby code %h1= book.name %p = book.author = book.publisher / To run some Ruby code without rendering it to the html, use a hyphen instead - books = ['book 1', 'book 2', 'book 3'] / Allowing you to do all sorts of awesome, like Ruby blocks - books.shuffle.each_with_index do |book, index| %h1= book - if book do %p This is a book / Adding ordered / unordered list %ul %li =item1 =item2 / Again, no need to add the closing tags to the block, even for the Ruby. Indentation will take care of that for you. / ------------------------------------------- / Inserting Table with bootstrap classes / ------------------------------------------- %table.table.table-hover %thead %tr %th Header 1 %th Header 2 %tr %td Value1 %td value2 %tfoot %tr %td Foot value / ------------------------------------------- / Inline Ruby / Ruby interpolation / ------------------------------------------- / Include a Ruby variable in a line of plain text using #{} %p Your highest scoring game is #{best_game} / ------------------------------------------- / Filters / ------------------------------------------- / Filters pass the block to another filtering program and return the result in Haml To use a filter, type a colon and the name of the filter / Markdown filter :markdown # Header Text **inside** the *block* / The code above is compiled into


Text inside the block

/ JavaScript filter :javascript console.log('This is inline / There are many types of filters (:markdown, :javascript, :coffee, :css, :ruby and so on) Also you can define your own filters using Haml::Filters