--- "{{ Ansible }}" is an orchestration tool written in Python. ... --- - hosts: apache vars: apache2_log_level: "warn" handlers: - name: restart apache service: name: apache2 state: restarted enabled: True notify: - Wait for instances to listen on port 80 become: True - name: reload apache service: name: apache2 state: reloaded notify: - Wait for instances to listen on port 80 become: True - name: Wait for instances to listen on port 80 wait_for: state: started host: localhost port: 80 timeout: 15 delay: 5 tasks: - name: Update cache apt: update_cache: yes cache_valid_time: 7200 become: True - name: Install packages apt: name={{ item }} with_items: - apache2 - logrotate notify: - restart apache become: True - name: Configure apache2 log level lineinfile: dest: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf line: "LogLevel {{ apache2_log_level }}" regexp: "^LogLevel" notify: - reload apache become: True ... # Universal way $ pip install ansible # Debian, Ubuntu $ apt-get install ansible # Command pings localhost (defined in default inventory: /etc/ansible/hosts) $ ansible -m ping localhost # You should see this output localhost | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } $ ansible -m ping all $ ansible -m shell -a 'date; whoami' localhost #hostname_or_a_group_name $ ansible -m command -a 'date; whoami' # FAILURE $ ansible -m command -a 'date' all $ ansible -m command -a 'whoami' all - hosts: all tasks: - name: "ping all" ping: - name: "execute a shell command" shell: "date; whoami; df -h;" $ ansible-playbook path/name_of_the_playbook.yml localhost [some_group] hostA.mydomain.com hostB.localdomain [a_group_of_a_groups:children] some_group some_other_group - hosts: all tasks: - name: "ping all" ping: - name: "execute a shell command" shell: "date; whoami; df -h;" roles: - some_role - { role: another_role, some_variable: 'learnxiny', tags: ['my_tag'] } pre_tasks: - name: some pre-task shell: echo 'this task is the last, but would be executed before roles, and before tasks' $ # The following example contains a shell-prompt to indicate the venv and relative path $ git clone git@github.com:sirkubax/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes.git user@host:~/$ cd ansible-for-learnXinYminutes user@host:~/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes$ source environment.sh $ $ # First lets execute the simple_playbook.yml (venv) user@host:~/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes$ ansible-playbook playbooks/simple_playbook.yml $ source environment.sh $ # Now we would run the above playbook with roles (venv) user@host:~/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes$ ansible-playbook playbooks/simple_role.yml roles/ some_role/ defaults/ # contains default variables files/ # for static files templates/ # for jinja templates tasks/ # tasks handlers/ # handlers vars/ # more variables (higher priority) meta/ # meta - package (role) info playbooks/roles/simple_apache_role/ ├── tasks │ └── main.yml └── templates └── main.yml # read playbooks/lookup.yml # then run (venv) user@host:~/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes$ ansible-playbook playbooks/lookup.yml ansible -m shell -a 'echo "{{ my_variable }}"' -e 'my_variable="{{ lookup("pipe", "date") }}"' localhost ansible -m shell -a 'echo "{{ my_variable }}"' -e 'my_variable="{{ lookup("pipe", "hostname") }}"' all # Or use in playbook (venv) user@host:~/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes$ ansible-playbook playbooks/lookup.yml (venv) user@host:~/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes$ ansible-playbook playbooks/register_and_when.yml --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: check the system capacity shell: df -h / register: root_size - name: debug root_size debug: msg: "{{ root_size }}" - name: debug root_size return code debug: msg: "{{ root_size.rc }}" # when: example - name: Print this message when return code of 'check the system capacity' was ok debug: msg: "{{ root_size.rc }}" when: root_size.rc == 0 ... --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: check the system capacity shell: df -h / when: some_variable in 'a string' roles: - { role: mid_nagios_probe, when: allow_nagios_probes } ... ansible-playbook playbooks/simple_playbook.yml --tags=tagA,tag_other ansible-playbook playbooks/simple_playbook.yml -t tagA,tag_other There are special tags: always --skip-tags can be used to exclude a block of code --list-tags to list available tags ansible-playbook playbooks/simple_playbook.yml --limit localhost --limit my_hostname --limit groupname --limit some_prefix* --limit hostname:group #JM Some static content {{ a_variable }} {% for item in loop_items %} this line item is {{ item }} {% endfor %} $ source environment.sh $ # Now we would run the above playbook with roles (venv) user@host:~/ansible-for-learnXinYminutes$ ansible-playbook playbooks/simple_role.yml --tags apache2 ansible -m shell -a 'echo {{ my_variable }}' -e 'my_variable=something, playbook_parameter=twentytwo' localhost # check part of this playbook: playbooks/roles/sys_debug/tasks/debug_time.yml - local_action: shell date +'%F %T' register: ts become: False changed_when: False - name: Timestamp debug: msg="{{ ts.stdout }}" when: ts is defined and ts.stdout is defined become: False # get first item of the list {{ some_list | first() }} # if variable is undefined - use default value {{ some_variable | default('default_value') }} # Try (this would fail) $ ansible-playbook playbooks/vault_example.yml $ echo some_very_very_long_secret > ~/.ssh/secure_located_file # in ansible.cfg set the path to your secret file $ vi ansible.cfg ansible_vault_password_file = ~/.ssh/secure_located_file #or use env $ export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.ssh/secure_located_file $ ansible-playbook playbooks/vault_example.yml # encrypt the file $ ansible-vault encrypt path/somefile # view the file $ ansible-vault view path/somefile # check the file content: $ cat path/somefile # decrypt the file $ ansible-vault decrypt path/somefile $ etc/inv/ec2.py --refresh $ ansible -m ping all -i etc/inv/ec2.py vi ansible.cfg # set this to: callback_whitelist = profile_tasks vi ansible.cfg # if set to a persistent type (not 'memory', for example 'redis') fact values # from previous runs in Ansible will be stored. This may be useful when # wanting to use, for example, IP information from one group of servers # without having to talk to them in the same playbook run to get their # current IP information. fact_caching = jsonfile fact_caching_connection = ~/facts_cache fact_caching_timeout = 86400 # recreate ansible 2.x venv $ rm -rf venv2 $ source environment2.sh # execute playbook (venv2)$ ansible-playbook playbooks/ansible1.9_playbook.yml # would fail - deprecated syntax # now lets install ansible 1.9.x next to ansible 2.x (venv2)$ deactivate $ source environment.1.9.sh # execute playbook (venv1.9)$ ansible-playbook playbooks/ansible1.9_playbook.yml # works! # please note that you have both venv1.9 and venv2 present - you need to (de)activate one - that is all - name: Ensure the httpd service is running service: name: httpd state: started become: true ansible -m ping web* ansible -m ping web*:!backend:monitoring:&allow_change