protostar init protostar build export PROTOSTAR_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY=[YOUR PRIVATE KEY HERE] protostar declare ./build/main.json \ --network testnet \ --account 0x0691622bBFD29e835bA4004e7425A4e9630840EbD11c5269DE51C16774585b16 \ --max-fee auto protostar \ deploy 0x02a5de1b145e18dfeb31c7cd7ff403714ededf5f3fdf75f8b0ac96f2017541bc \ --network testnet \ --account 0x0691622bBFD29e835bA4004e7425A4e9630840EbD11c5269DE51C16774585b16 \ --max-fee auto // Language directive - instructs compiler its a StarkNet contract %lang starknet // Library imports from the Cairo-lang library from starkware.cairo.common.math import assert_nn from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin // @dev Storage variable that stores the balance of a user. // @storage_var is a decorator that instructs the compiler the function // below it is a storage variable. @storage_var func balance() -> (res: felt) {} // @dev Constructor writes the balance variable to 0 on deployment // Constructors sets storage variables on deployment. Can accept arguments too. @constructor func constructor{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() { balance.write(0); return(); } // @dev increase_balance updates the balance variable // @param amount the amount you want to add to balance // @external is a decorator that specifies the func below it is an external // function. @external func increase_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(amount: felt){ with_attr error_message("Amount must be positive. Got: {amount}.") { assert_nn(amount); } let (res) =; balance.write(res + amount); return (); } // @dev returns the balance variable // @view is a decorator that specifies the func below it is a view function. @view func get_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) { let (res) =; return (res,); } struct Uint256 { low: felt, // The low 128 bits of the value. high: felt, // The high 128 bits of the value. } %lang starknet from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin from cairo_contracts.src.openzeppelin.token.erc20.library import ERC20 from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256 from starkware.cairo.common.bool import TRUE // imports from starkware.starknet.common.syscalls import get_caller_address // create an admin constant const ADMIN = 0x01C6cfC1DB2ae90dACEA243F0a8C2F4e32560F7cDD398e4dA2Cc56B733774E9b // implement access control with_attr error_message("You do not have access to make this action!"){ let (caller) = get_caller_address(); assert ADMIN = caller; } // using an assert statement throws if condition is not true, thus // returning the specified error. @contract_interface namespace IENS { func store_name(_name: felt) { } func get_name(_address: felt) -> (name: felt) { } } IENS.store_name(contract_address, _name); @external func fibonacci{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(n : felt) -> (result : felt){ alloc_locals; if (n == 0){ return (0); } if (n == 1){ return (1); } let (local x) = fibonacci(n - 1); let (local y) = fibonacci(n - 2); return (result=(x + y)); } @external func get_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) { return (res=100); } @external func double_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) { let multiplier = 2; let (balance) = get_balance(); let new_balance = balance * multiplier; return (res=new_balance); } // resolving the `double_balance` function: @external func double_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) { alloc_locals; let multiplier = 2; let (balance) = get_balance(); let new_balance = balance * multiplier; return (res=new_balance); } %lang starknet from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin from starkware.cairo.common.hash import hash2 from starkware.cairo.common.alloc import alloc from starkware.cairo.common.math import (assert_le, assert_nn_le, unsigned_div_rem) from starkware.starknet.common.syscalls import (get_caller_address, storage_read, storage_write) // CONSTANTS // // @dev the maximum amount of each token that belongs to the AMM const BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND = 2 ** 64; const TOKEN_TYPE_A = 1; const TOKEN_TYPE_B = 2; // @dev Ensure the user's balances are much smaller than the pool's balance const POOL_UPPER_BOUND = 2 ** 30; const ACCOUNT_BALANCE_BOUND = 1073741; // (2 ** 30 / 1000) // STORAGE VARIABLES // // @dev A map from account and token type to corresponding balance @storage_var func account_balance(account_id: felt, token_type: felt) -> (balance: felt) {} // @dev a map from token type to corresponding pool balance @storage_var func pool_balance(token_type: felt) -> (balance: felt) {} // GETTERS // // @dev returns account balance for a given token // @param account_id Account to be queried // @param token_type Token to be queried @view func get_account_token_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( account_id: felt, token_type: felt ) -> (balance: felt) { return, token_type); } // @dev return the pool's balance // @param token_type Token type to get pool balance @view func get_pool_token_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( token_type: felt ) -> (balance: felt) { return; } // EXTERNALS // // @dev set pool balance for a given token // @param token_type Token whose balance is to be set // @param balance Amount to be set as balance @external func set_pool_token_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( token_type: felt, balance: felt ) { with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){ assert_nn_le(balance, BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND - 1); } pool_balance.write(token_type, balance); return (); } // @dev add demo token to the given account // @param token_a_amount amount of token a to be added // @param token_b_amount amount of token b to be added @external func add_demo_token{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( token_a_amount: felt, token_b_amount: felt ) { alloc_locals; let (account_id) = get_caller_address(); modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_A, amount=token_a_amount); modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_B, amount=token_b_amount); return (); } // @dev intialize AMM // @param token_a amount of token a to be set in pool // @param token_b amount of token b to be set in pool @external func init_pool{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( token_a: felt, token_b: felt ) { with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){ assert_nn_le(token_a, POOL_UPPER_BOUND - 1); assert_nn_le(token_b, POOL_UPPER_BOUND - 1); } set_pool_token_balance(token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_A, balance=token_a); set_pool_token_balance(token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_B, balance=token_b); return (); } // @dev swaps token between the given account and the pool // @param token_from token to be swapped // @param amount_from amount of token to be swapped // @return amount_to the token swapped to @external func swap{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( token_from: felt, amount_from: felt ) -> (amount_to: felt) { alloc_locals; let (account_id) = get_caller_address(); // verify token_from is TOKEN_TYPE_A or TOKEN_TYPE_B with_attr error_message("token not allowed in pool!"){ assert (token_from - TOKEN_TYPE_A) * (token_from - TOKEN_TYPE_B) = 0; } // check requested amount_from is valid with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){ assert_nn_le(amount_from, BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND - 1); } // check user has enough funds let (account_from_balance) = get_account_token_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_from); with_attr error_message("insufficient balance!"){ assert_le(amount_from, account_from_balance); } let (token_to) = get_opposite_token(token_type=token_from); let (amount_to) = do_swap(account_id=account_id, token_from=token_from, token_to=token_to, amount_from=amount_from); return (amount_to=amount_to); } // INTERNALS // // @dev internal function that updates account balance for a given token // @param account_id Account whose balance is to be modified // @param token_type Token type to be modified // @param amount Amount Amount to be added func modify_account_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( account_id: felt, token_type: felt, amount: felt ) { let (current_balance) =, token_type); tempvar new_balance = current_balance + amount; with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){ assert_nn_le(new_balance, BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND - 1); } account_balance.write(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_type, value=new_balance); return (); } // @dev internal function that swaps tokens between the given account and // the pool // @param account_id Account whose tokens are to be swapped // @param token_from Token type to be swapped from // @param token_to Token type to be swapped to // @param amount_from Amount to be swapped func do_swap{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}( account_id: felt, token_from: felt, token_to: felt, amount_from: felt ) -> (amount_to: felt) { alloc_locals; // get pool balance let (local amm_from_balance) = get_pool_token_balance(token_type = token_from); let (local amm_to_balance) = get_pool_token_balance(token_type=token_to); // calculate swap amount let (local amount_to, _) = unsigned_div_rem((amm_to_balance * amount_from), (amm_from_balance + amount_from)); // update token_from balances modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_from, amount=-amount_from); set_pool_token_balance(token_type=token_from, balance=(amm_from_balance + amount_from)); // update token_to balances modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_to, amount=amount_to); set_pool_token_balance(token_type=token_to, balance=(amm_to_balance - amount_to)); return (amount_to=amount_to); } // @dev internal function to get the opposite token type // @param token_type Token whose opposite pair needs to be gotten func get_opposite_token(token_type: felt) -> (t: felt) { if(token_type == TOKEN_TYPE_A) { return (t=TOKEN_TYPE_B); } else { return (t=TOKEN_TYPE_A); } }