{# This is an example of a comment. #} {# You can use this syntax to write multiline comments as well. #} {# You have the option to access variables from the context passed to the template #} {{ foo }} {# Additionally, you can use a dot (.) to access attributes of a variable or use Python syntax, using [] #} {{ foo.bar }} {{ foo['bar'] }} {# Within the template, you can define variables as well #} {% set name = "Magdiel" %} {{ name }}


{% for key, value in my_dict.items() %}

{{ key }}


{{ value }}

{% endfor %}
{% for idx, url in enumerate(urls) %} Go to url {{ idx + 1 }} {% endfor %}
{% if users %} {% endif %} {# For multiple branches, elif and else can be used like in Python. #} {% if message.status == "error" %}

{{ message.content }}

{% elif message.status == "success" %}

{{ message.content }}

{% else %}

{{ message.content }}

{% endif %} {# file: base.html.j2 #} {% block head %} {% block title %}{% endblock title %} - Learning Jinja {% endblock head %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %} {# the endblock tag doesn't need the name of the block #}
{# file: child.html.j2 #} {% extends "base.html.j2" %} {% block head %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block title %}Home{% endblock %} {% block content %}


Welcome to my home homepage.

{% endblock %} {# RESULT #} Home - Learning Jinja


Welcome to my home homepage.

{# file: footer.html.j2 #} {# file: index.html.j2 #} ...

Hi! I'm John Doe!

{% include "footer.html.j2" %} ... {# RESULT #} ...

Hi! I'm John Doe!

... {# file: greetings.html.j2 #}

I'm the {{ name }} and i like to {{ hobby }}.

{# file: index.html.j2 #} {% set name = "Captain Nemo" %} {% set hobby = "navigate through the depths of the ocean" %}
{% include "greetings.html.j2" %}
{# RESULT #}

I'm the Captain Nemo and i like to navigate through the depths of the ocean.

{% macro input(value="", type="text", placeholder="") -%} {%- endmacro %}

{{ input(placeholder="Your username") }}

{{ input(type="password") }}