vim # Open in vim :help # Open up built-in help docs about if any exists :q # Quit vim :w # Save current file :wq # Save file and quit vim ZZ # Save file and quit vim :q! # Quit vim without saving file # ! *forces* :q to execute, hence quitting vim without saving ZQ # Quit vim without saving file :x # Save file(only when the file is modified) and quit vim u # Undo CTRL+R # Redo h # Move left one character j # Move down one line k # Move up one line l # Move right one character Ctrl+B # Move back one full screen Ctrl+F # Move forward one full screen Ctrl+D # Move forward 1/2 a screen Ctrl+U # Move back 1/2 a screen # Moving within the line 0 # Move to beginning of line $ # Move to end of line ^ # Move to first non-blank character in line # Searching in the text /word # Highlights all occurrences of word after cursor ?word # Highlights all occurrences of word before cursor n # Moves cursor to next occurrence of word after search N # Moves cursor to previous occurrence of word :%s/foo/bar/g # Change 'foo' to 'bar' on every line in the file :s/foo/bar/g # Change 'foo' to 'bar' on the current line :%s/\n/\r/g # Replace new line characters with new line characters :'<,'>s/foo/bar/g # Change 'foo' to 'bar on every line in the current visual selection # Jumping to characters f # Jump forward and land on t # Jump forward and land right before # For example, f< # Jump forward and land on < t< # Jump forward and land right before < # Moving by word w # Move forward by one word b # Move back by one word e # Move to end of current word # Other characters for moving around gg # Go to the top of the file G # Go to the bottom of the file :NUM # Go to line number NUM (NUM is any number) H # Move to the top of the screen M # Move to the middle of the screen L # Move to the bottom of the screen i # Puts vim into insert mode, before the cursor position a # Puts vim into insert mode, after the cursor position v # Puts vim into visual mode : # Puts vim into ex mode # 'Escapes' from whichever mode you're in, into Normal mode # Copying and pasting text # Operations use the vim register by default # Think of it as vim's private clipboard # Yank ~ copy text into vim register y # Yank whatever is selected yy # Yank the current line # Delete ~ yank text and delete from file d # Delete whatever is selected dd # Delete the current line p # Paste text in vim register after the current cursor position P # Paste text in vim register before the current cursor position x # Delete character under current cursor position # 'Verbs' d # Delete c # Change y # Yank (copy) v # Visually select # 'Modifiers' i # Inside a # Around NUM # Number (NUM is any number) f # Searches for something and lands on it t # Searches for something and stops before it / # Finds a string from cursor onwards ? # Finds a string before cursor # 'Nouns' w # Word s # Sentence p # Paragraph b # Block # Sample 'sentences' or commands d2w # Delete 2 words cis # Change inside sentence yip # Yank inside paragraph (copy the para you're in) ct< # Change to open bracket # Change the text from where you are to the next open bracket d$ # Delete till end of line > # Indent selection by one block < # Dedent selection by one block :earlier 15m # Reverts the document back to how it was 15 minutes ago :later 15m # Reverse above command ddp # Swap position of consecutive lines, dd then p . # Repeat previous action :w !sudo tee % # Save the current file as root :set syntax=c # Set syntax highlighting to 'c' :sort # Sort all lines :sort! # Sort all lines in reverse :sort u # Sort all lines and remove duplicates ~ # Toggle letter case of selected text u # Selected text to lower case U # Selected text to upper case J # Join the current line with the next line # Fold text zf # Create fold from selected text zd # Delete fold on the current line zD # Recursively delete nested or visually selected folds zE # Eliminate all folds in the window zo # Open current fold zO # Recursively open nested or visually selected folds zc # Close current fold zC # Recursively close nested or visually selected folds zR # Open all folds zM # Close all folds za # Toggle open/close current fold zA # Recursively toggle open/close nested fold [z # Move to the start of the current fold ]z # Move to the end of the current fold zj # Move to the start of the next fold zk # Move to the end of the previous fold qa # Start recording a macro named 'a' q # Stop recording @a # Play back the macro " Example ~/.vimrc " 2015.10 " Required for vim to be iMproved set nocompatible " Determines filetype from name to allow intelligent auto-indenting, etc. filetype indent plugin on " Enable syntax highlighting syntax on " Better command-line completion set wildmenu " Use case insensitive search except when using capital letters set ignorecase set smartcase " When opening a new line and no file-specific indenting is enabled, " keep same indent as the line you're currently on set autoindent " Display line numbers on the left set number " Indentation options, change according to personal preference " Number of visual spaces per TAB set tabstop=4 " Number of spaces in TAB when editing set softtabstop=4 " Number of spaces indented when reindent operations (>> and <<) are used set shiftwidth=4 " Convert TABs to spaces set expandtab " Enable intelligent tabbing and spacing for indentation and alignment set smarttab